Well, hello there! Let me be real and authentic with you about who I am and what I do!

I am Dr. Leah Faith Garcia. I am a pursuant of finding the mystical in life, a wife, bonus mom, and fur baby mom.

I received my Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Parker College of Chiropractic in April 2018. In the last year of obtaining my D.C., I discovered and fell in love with what is known as NetworkSpinal, originally Network Spinal Analysis, and is what I practice at The Spark The Center for Extraordinary Living.

Through childhood and my adult life, I had been plagued by various types of headaches and migraines, chronic neck pain, menstrual pain, and other female complications. I had been receiving traditional Chiropractic care off and on since childhood. Pain would flare up, I'd go see the Chiropractor, pain would go away, and I would be okay for a little while. Until I woke up in pain again.

In Chiropractic school my symptoms of being unwell, in a state of dis-ease, and being severely stressed got the best of me. When I found NetworkSpinal I was at my breaking point. I was unable to enjoy being in my body, unable to play and be at ease, or find moments of joy. My body and spirit seemed broken. This state of being was contributing to daily migraines, tension headaches, foggy brain, emotional breakdowns, and I physically could not use my right arm for more than 15 minutes without being in excruciating pain.

Fast forward to today and I practice the very technique which saved my life and brought me to a greater awareness of wellness, wholeness, and knowing of my purpose in helping humanity. I am devoted to serving and helping women who suffer from headaches, migraines, menstrual complications, and low libido. My greatest pleasure is helping the woman who's at her lowest point in life and guiding her through the healing wisdom of her body.

Your Central Nervous System is the lens through which you experience your reality: gratitude, love, grace, fear, sadness, shame, pain (physical or otherwise), and the sense of being in love with your life and others.

How you react or respond in life and feel about your life is a reflection of the state of your Central Nervous System and how well it is functioning.

Health and wellness cannot be measured directly from blood work, digital imaging, metrics, or absence of disease. Therefore, I aim to be a guide on your own unique path towards wholeness and your best quality of life then leading to true health and wellness, and your biggest reward: YOU!