Focused on your Central Nervous System and your Quality of Life, the Initial Consultation is broken into 2 parts on 2 different days.

Part 1: You will begin with an initial consultation with Dr. Leah to gather a full health and wellness history, and how your brain and body is responding to stress and trauma; past, present and future.

Part 1: Heart Rate Variability testing is conducted to demonstrate the complex components of your Central Nervous System and how each component is creating your perspective of life, function of your body, energy levels, perceived stress, mental states, and emotions.

Part 1: A postural analysis will be conducted to determine how your brain is currently operating through Spinal Distortion Patterns as your means to manage current, future, and past stress and overwhelm.

Part 2: A full review of your Central Nervous System and how it is currently governing your experienced quality of life, stress responses, symptoms, emotions, biological age, and energy levels.

Part 2: Patient Education on:

  • NetworkSpinal, how it works, and the changes you should expect throughout your course of wellness care.

  • The relationship to your Central Nervous System, stress, and trauma and how these 3 impact your body, energy levels, thoughts, and emotions.

  • The necessity of caring for your Spine and Central Nervous System to live the quality of life you really desire, feel vibrant in your body, and make the impact you desire in your life.

Part 2: If you are a good fit for The Spark, Dr. Leah will review with you a recommended course of wellness care to aid in achieving your health vision. Giving direction and guidance in your self empowerment journey to become the master of your body, mind, health, and wholeness!